99's FAQ
> favorite color?
A: dark forest green from a foggy pine woodland
> how tall r u?
A: i am unfortunatly 6 foot and it do not match my style.. but jojo siwa gives me hope
> PC specs?
A: i donno to be honest man... i could tell u my gpu maybe.. it was prebuilt and im stuped i just play the games bro sadge
> relationship/family/partner questions
A: i am uncomfy with these, the only info i say is yes i have partner and nice family (for privacy sake)
> are you LGBT+?
A: i don use labels for most part, but i am agender
> what are your boundaries?
A: i dont use [platonic] flirty language or i-love-yous (i hafve anxitey )
i tend to be unconfortable with private DM's and i prefer public chatrooms or group chats ! !